Cosa significa la TAC?


Cosa significa la TAC?

Cosa significa la TAC?

La TAC (Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata) è una metodica di diagnostica per immagini che sfrutta le radiazioni.

Che cosa si vede con la TAC?

La TAC consente diagnosi accurate su lesioni importanti come quelle del sistema nervoso, degli organi addominali, dell'apparato muscoloscheletrico. È indicata in tutte le situazioni in cui si sospettano traumi, emorragie, lesioni, ischemie o tumori.

Cosa si evidenzia con la TAC?

La TAC consente diagnosi accurate su lesioni importanti come quelle del sistema nervoso, degli organi addominali, dell'apparato muscoloscheletrico. È indicata in tutte le situazioni in cui si sospettano traumi, emorragie, lesioni, ischemie o tumori.

What does TAC stand for?

  • TAC stands for Texas Administrative Code. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Military and Government. Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.

What does the name TAC mean?

  • The Type Allocation Code (TAC) is the initial eight- digit portion of the 15-digit IMEI and 16-digit IMEISV codes used to uniquely identify wireless devices. The Type Allocation Code identifies a particular model (and often revision) of wireless telephone for use on a GSM, UMTS or other IMEI-employing wireless network.

What does TAC stand for in Telecom?

  • TAC stands for Type Allocation Code (telecommunications) Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers.

What does TAC mean military?

  • TAC stands for Training, Advising and Counseling, and TAC officers oversee the instruction, development and evaluation of cadets or candidates undergoing military training. This chart shows only general equivalencies based on the ranks used by many governments on Earth, as well as the rest of the galaxy.

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