Cosa si intende per White Collar?

Cosa si intende per White Collar?
colletto bianco/blu (ingl. ... white collars/blue collars) Termine che indica, per il c. bianco, la forza lavoro impiegatizia con funzioni di carattere intellettuale, non direttamente applicata all'attività produttiva ed estranea all'operatività sulle macchine delle fabbriche.
Che significa colletto blu?
I lavori colletti blu sono i lavori in cui la persona che svolge il lavoro fa il lavoro manuale e riceve una paga oraria o giornaliera, in base all'esecuzione del proprio lavoro.
What does white collar mean?
- White-collar is a term that refers to workers who are employed in an office and who do not generally do manual labor. It comes from the idea that people in these positions traditionally wore a white-collar, and presumably a tie, to their jobs.
What is the definition of a white collar?
- Definition of white-collar. : of, relating to, or constituting the class of salaried employees whose duties do not call for the wearing of work clothes or protective clothing — compare blue-collar.
Who is a victim of white collar crime?
- Other "non-person" victims of white collar crime include businesses, financial institutions, government agencies, religious organizations and society organizations. Businesses are the most likely non-person victims of white collar crimes like fraud, counterfeiting and embezzlement, followed by financial institutions and government agencies.
What are the types of white collar crimes?
- The most common white collar crimes are various types of fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion and money laundering. Many types of scams and frauds fall into the bucket of white collar crime, including Ponzi schemes and securities fraud such as insider trading.