Cosa vuol dire ON acceso o spento?


Cosa vuol dire ON acceso o spento?

Cosa vuol dire ON acceso o spento?

Spesso potete trovare sui pulsanti l'indicazione delle parole ON e OFF, cosa significano? Dato che i circuiti elettrici si basano su "passa corrente" o "non passa corrente", questo due pulsanti indicano proprio "acceso" e "spento". A ON corrisponde quindi "acceso" e OFF corrisponde a "spento".

What is the dictionary definition of off?

  • Define off. off synonyms, off pronunciation, off translation, English dictionary definition of off. adv. 1. From a place or position: He walked off in a huff. 2. a. At a certain distance in space or time: a mile off; a week off. b. From a given course or... Off - definition of off by The Free Dictionary

How do you use off of in a sentence?

  • Usage Note: The compound preposition off of is generally regarded as informal and is best avoided in formal speech and writing: He stepped off (not off of) the platform. Off is informal as well when used to indicate a source. Formal style requires I borrowed it from (not off) my brother.

What are some examples of off words?

  • 1. a. Distant or removed; farther: the off side of the barn. b. Remote; slim: stopped by on the off chance that they're home. 2. Not on, attached, or connected: with my shoes off. 3. Not operating or operational: The oven is off. 4. No longer taking place; canceled: The wedding is off. 5. Slack: Production was off this year. 6. a.

What is the meaning of branch off?

  • 2. so as to be no longer covering or enclosing: Pull the wrapping off. 3. away from a place: to run off; to look off toward the west. 4. away from a path, course, etc.: The road branches off to Grove City. 5. so as to be away or on one's way: to start off early.

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