Come è nata la new economy?


Come è nata la new economy?

Come è nata la new economy?

In seguito allo sviluppo delle tecnologie e delle comunicazioni, ad esempio, è nata la New Economy, ossia la totalità dei fenomeni economici che hanno portato alla diffusione di contenuti digitali e di prodotti informatici.

Cosa si intende per economia digitale?

La digital economy, o economia digitale, rappresenta tutto l'indotto legato alle tecnologie digitali. Infrastrutture, hardware e software, relazioni, persone: ogni processo produttivo e organizzativo, in ogni ambito.

What is the meaning of the term new economy?

  • DEFINITION of 'New Economy'. New economy is a buzzword describing new, high-growth industries that are on the cutting edge of technology and are the driving force of economic growth. The new economy is commonly believed to have started in the late 1990s, as high tech tools, particularly the internet and increasingly powerful computers,...

What is the new economy in technology?

  • Although the tech bubble has long since burst, many of the remaining firms like Google (Alphabet), Amazon, and Facebook remain very innovative and at the forefront of technology. Now the new economy is often used to describe different aspects of the technology sector beyond simple Internet presence and functionality.

What happened to the new economy?

  • The new economy was variously heralded as the knowledge economy, the data economy, the ecommerce economy, and so on. Unfortunately for the long-term health of the new economy arising in the 90s, investors and financial institutions bid up technology sector stock prices to unprecedented highs without fully considering the fundamentals.

Do the rules of Economics apply in the new economy?

  • Some economists went even further, claiming that inflation in the new economy had vanished, the business cycle no longer existed, and the traditional rules of economics no longer applied.

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