What is an example of a drawback?


What is an example of a drawback?

What is an example of a drawback?

The definition of a drawback is a disadvantage or negative feature. An example of drawback is not being near bathrooms while camping. A rebate given by a government on duties or taxes that were paid on imported goods that were used to create other goods, or repackaged and exported again.

What is the synonym of drawbacks?

disadvantage, snag, downside, stumbling block, catch, hitch, pitfall, fly in the ointment. weak point, weak spot, weakness, flaw, defect, imperfection, fault. handicap, limitation, trouble, difficulty, problem, issue, complication, liability, nuisance.

How do you use drawback in a sentence?

Drawback sentence example

  1. Boiling under reduced pressure has one very serious drawback , viz. ...
  2. The chief drawback of the climate is an excess of rain in some parts, especially in the west. ...
  3. The only drawback to the climate is the prevalence of high cold winds in winter.

What does drawbacks mean in reading?

noun. a hindrance or disadvantage; an undesirable or objectionable feature.

How do you use emerge in a sentence?

Emerge sentence example. She waited, but he didn't emerge again. The old Alex was bound to emerge at some point. Your scent will soon emerge , always revealing your whereabouts.

What types of drawbacks are there?

The Main Types of Duty Drawback

  • Manufacturing Direct Identification Drawback. When duty-paid imported material is used to manufacture a product, which is subsequently exported from the United States, U.S. import duty may be recovered. ...
  • Manufacturing Substitution Drawback. ...
  • Unused Merchandise Direct Identification Drawback.

What does drawback mean in business?

A drawback is a rebate on taxes or tariffs paid by businesses on goods that were imported into the United States and then exported out again.

What is the major drawback?

A drawback is an aspect of something or someone that makes them less acceptable than they would otherwise be. [...]

Does drawback mean disadvantage?

Definition of drawback 2 : an objectionable feature : disadvantage The plan's only drawback is its cost.

Where does the term drawback come from?

"hindrance, disadvantage,"1720, from draw (v.) + back (adv.). The notion is of something that "holds back" success or activity.

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