Chi è Papa Legba?


Chi è Papa Legba?

Chi è Papa Legba?

Nel vudù Haitiano, Papa Legba è un Loa (spirito mediatore tra l'uomo e il Dio supremo). Il suo compito è quello di aprire la strada ad altri regni. Egli è lo "spirito potente di comunicazione tra tutte le sfere della vita e della morte.

What do people believe in Voodoo?

  • In voodoo people often believe that a spirit is in their body and controlling the body. Having a spirit come into is wanted, and important. This spirit can speak for the gods or dead people you love, and can also help to heal or do magic. Another word for voodoo is vodu, used in Haiti where the creole language is based on French language.

Is Voodoo real magic?

  • Yes, voodoo ( Haitian Vodou) is real. It is one of the two state religions of Haiti (the other is Catholicism ). Voodoo and magic are two different things. You can be a member of the voodoo religion and never try to work any magic in your life.

What are the beliefs of Voodoo?

  • Voodoo is an animist religion that consecrates a cult to Loas (gods) and to the ancestors—the cult of ancestors constitutes a system of religious beliefs and rites which are used principally to reinforce the social system as well as the dependence of the family—and at the same time, voodoo spirits, guardians, deities, or forces of nature.

How did the word 'Voodoo' originate?

  • Basic Principles Background. The word 'vodun' - the Haitian word 'Voodoo' comes from the African Fon Language which is still spoken today in Benin.
  • Loa Rada and Loa Petro. Voodoo folloowers divide godly creatures into loa Rada and loa Petro. ...
  • Loa Rada. Legba or Elegba,Eshu,Ellegua. ...
  • Petro Loas. Symbol Petro has only dark character. ...

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