Qual è l'ultimo singolo di Vasco Rossi?


Qual è l'ultimo singolo di Vasco Rossi?

Qual è l'ultimo singolo di Vasco Rossi?

Vasco Rossi, il testo di 'Siamo Qui' nuovo singolo.

Come si può contattare Vasco Rossi?

E' possibile contattare il blasco scrivendo sul suo sito ufficiale www.vascorosssi.net ma anche attraverso i canali social di facebok, twitter, you tube e my space. Sul sito si possono facilmente trovare i link per gli account social del cantante. Non resta che mettersi alla tastiera e contattare il proprio idolo.

Quando esce l'ultimo cd di Vasco Rossi?

Sarà disponibile dal 12 novembre 2021, Siamo qui, il nuovo album di Vasco Rossi anticipato dall'omonimo singolo, uscito il 15 ottobre scorso.

Quando è uscito Vasco Rossi?

Ecco la tracklist ufficiale del disco di Vasco Rossi “Siamo qui”, alla release ufficiale domani, venerdì 12 novembre: XI comandamento. L'amore l'amore. Siamo qui.

How old is Vasco Rossi?

  • Vasco Rossi (born 7 February 1952) is an Italian singer-songwriter. During his 30-year career, he has published 21 albums (including live and collection discs) and has written some 130 songs, as well as lyrics for other artists.

How many songs has Vasco Rossi written?

  • Vasco Rossi (born 7 February 1952) is an Italian singer-songwriter. During his 30-year career, he has published 21 albums (including live and collection discs) and has written some 130 songs, as well as lyrics for other artists. He calls himself a "provoca (u)tore" (an Italian portma… read more

Why does Rossi call himself a Provoca tore?

  • He calls himself a "provoca(u)tore" (an Italian portmanteau for "provoking author") as throughout his career he has been regularly criticized over his choice of lifestyle and the lyrics in his songs. Vasco Rossi (born 7 February 1952) is an Italian singer-songwriter.

What was the year of birth for Rossi?

  • Vasco Rossi was born in 1950s. The 1950s is often viewed as "baby boom" and a period of conformity, when young and old alike followed group norms rather than striking out on their own. The 50s were also the beginning of the Space Race, Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement.

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