Quante persone contiene un Boeing 747?

Quante persone contiene un Boeing 747?
Questo aereo ha un'autonomia intercontinentale di 13 450 km. La versione passeggeri del 747-400 può imbarcare 416 passeggeri in una tipica suddivisione in tre classi, o 524 passeggeri in configurazione standard a due classi, o 660 passeggeri nell'allestimento con un'unica classe.
What is the interior size of Boeing 747?
- With 4,786 square-feet of cabin space and 393 square-feet in an "aeroloft" between the upper deck and tail, it's roughly the size of 13, 400-square-foot apartments.
How much does Boeing 747 weigh in kilograms?
- A Boeing 747-400 will weigh 403,500 pounds (183,024 kg) when empty. Fully loaded, it weighs around 875,000 pounds (396,893 kg). The Boeing 747 was to be twice the size of its predecessor, the 707, and it was to become the world's first double-decker plane. From start to finish, it took 50,000 employees and 29 months to complete the first 747.
How tall is a Boeing 747?
- To sum it up, depending on the variant, a Boeing 747 aircraft is anywhere between 184 feet 9 inches (56.30 meters) and 250 feet 2 inches (76.25 meters) long. While there are slight differences in the tail height of the different 747 variants, the differences are minor. More specifically, they are smaller than 25 inches.
What is the difference between a Boeing 747 and a 777?
- 777–747=30. That's the difference. Ohhhhh….If you're talking about the Boeing planes, the 777 has only two engines and has only one deck of passenger seats, while the 747 has four engines and a second deck for passengers for approximately a third of the length near the front giving it a distinct hump.