Cosa fa l'ape killer?


Cosa fa l'ape killer?

Cosa fa l'ape killer?

La specie aliena e l'attacco I calabroni killer sarebbero in grado di distruggere un alveare e uccidere fino a 30 mila api in poche ore. Una volta individuata una colonia di api, il calabrone asiatico richiama con un feromone uno sciame di rinforzi che può raggiungere i 50 esemplari.

Come sono le vespe asiatiche?

Vespa velutina: come riconoscere il calabrone asiatico Questa specie di vespa ha un torace di colore marrone molto scuro, quasi nero. Le prima tre strisce addominali, dette tergiti, sono di colore bruno scuro con il margine posteriore di colore giallo o, in alcuni casi, giallo-rossastro.

What is the Rossum API used for?

  • The Rossum API allows you to programmatically access and manage your organization's Rossum data and account information. The API allows you to do the following programmatically: On this page, you will find an introduction to the API usage from a developer perspective, and a reference to all the API objects and methods.

Where can I find a list of ROS client libraries?

  • For a list of common ROS repositories, see the ROS GitHub Organizations. ROS supports several Client Libraries, though the main supported libraries are C++ roscpp and rospy. There are also numerous ROS stacks and packages that provide higher-level functionality. Support for higher-level functionality in various languages is summarized below.

Where can I find resources related to implementing the Rossum platform?

  • There are several other key resources related to implementing, integrating and extending the Rossum platform: Refer to the Rossum Developer Portal for guides, tutorials, news and a community Q&A section. Subscribe to the rossum-api-announcements group to stay up to date on the API and platform updates.

What is the URL of the base API endpoint?

  • Base API endpoint URL depends on the deployment type and location, e.g. If you are not sure about correct URL, please contact us at [email protected].

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