What does rely mean example?


What does rely mean example?

What does rely mean example?

1 : to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. : to depend on (someone or something) My mother relied on me for financial support. They rely on a well for all their water. 2 : to trust or believe (someone or something) She's someone you can rely on. I relied heavily upon your advice.

Is rely an adjective?

Included below are past participle and present participle forms for the verbs rely and rely on which may be used as adjectives within certain contexts.

Is rely a verb or adjective?

rely verbreliable adjective (≠unreliable)reliably adverbreliability noun (≠unreliability)reliance nounrely verbreliable adjective (≠unreliable)reliably adverbreliability noun (≠unreliability)reliance noun Phrasal Verbsrely on.

What is someone you can rely on called?

mainstay. noun. the person or thing that something depends on most in order to continue or be successful.

When can you rely on someone?

When you rely on someone, you have total faith and trust that she will come through. It comes from the Latin word religare which means "to fasten or bind." You're bound to the people you rely on!

What is another word for relying on?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for rely on, like: depend on, count on, believe in, reckon on, depend upon, trust, bank on and rely upon.

What is the adverb for rely?

In a reliant manner.

What is the present tense of rely?

rely on
present tense
I/you/we/theyrely on
he/she/itrelies on
present participlerelying on
past tenserelied on
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What is the preposition of rely?

rely on/upon somebody/something for something As babies, we rely entirely on others for food. rely on/upon somebody/something to do something These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. rely on/upon somebody/something doing something The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low.

What do you call a person who trust easily?

Credulous comes from the 16th-century Latin credulus, or "easily believes." A synonym for credulous is gullible, and both terms describe a person who accepts something willingly without a lot of supporting facts.

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