Che cosa significa franchise?
Che cosa significa franchise?
– Nel linguaggio economico, sistema di collaborazione tra un produttore, o comunque un offerente, di beni o di servizî (detto franchisor ‹frä′nčai∫ë›) e un distributore (franchisee ‹frä′nčai∫ii›), fondato su un contratto in base al quale il primo cede al secondo la facoltà (franchise ‹frä′nčai∫›) di sfruttare, a ...
Cosa significa franchising in inglese?
n. (Comm) franchising m., affiliazione f. commerciale, contratto m. di concessione.
Come si scrive franchise?
La denominazione inglese corretta è franchising, ma se pure cominciassimo a chiamarle affiliazioni commerciali andrebbe bene comunque.
Chi ha inventato il franchising?
Isaac Merritt Singer Un uomo chiamato Isaac Merritt Singer (1811-1875) è accreditato come padre del franchising moderno .
Should you buy a franchise?
- Limited independence. When you buy a franchise, you're not just buying the right to use the franchisor's name, you're buying its business plan as well. Most franchisors impose price, appearance, and design standards, limiting the ways you can operate the franchise.
What exactly is a franchise?
- Definition: A franchise is the to make or sell a product under certain conditions granted by the owner of these rights. In other words, a franchise is the right to produce a licensed product by the owner of the license. In this contact, the franchisee pays the franchiser for the right to use the licensed material.
How do I start a franchise?
- 6 steps to franchise ownership: Know your budget. As with so many things, do your research. Reach out to the franchisor and other franchisees. Typically, both the franchisor and the franchisee will undergo an interview process. Sign the franchise agreement, and make your investment.
What are the basics of a franchise?
- The Basics of Franchising. At least two levels of people are involved in a franchise system: 1) the franchisor, who lends his trademark or trade name and a business system; and 2) the franchisee, who pays a royalty and often an initial fee for the right to do business under the franchisor's name and system.". Franchising is a team effort.