Cosa vuol dire lentigo maligna?


Cosa vuol dire lentigo maligna?

Cosa vuol dire lentigo maligna?

Cos'è la Lentigo Maligna La lentigo maligna rappresenta una forma di tumore cutaneo (melanoma), che insorge prevalentemente nel volto di persone anziane, apparendo come una macchia pigmentata.

Cosa significa lentigo?

lentigo -gĭnis, der. di lens lentis «lenticchia»]. – Piccola macchia bruna o nera, liscia o prominente, che compare talora sul volto, sul collo, sulle spalle, sul tronco, sul dorso delle mani.

Cosa sono le lentigo solari?

Le “lentigo solari”, comunemente chiamate “macchie della pelle” o “macchie solari”, sono fastidiosi inestetismi che si presentano come chiazze di forma irregolare, non ben definita, tipicamente nelle zone esposte al sole.

What is lentigo maligna?

  • Lentigo maligna is also known as Hutchinson melanotic freckle. Lentigo maligna occurs in sun-damaged skin so is generally found on the bald scalp, face or neck, particularly the nose and cheek of older adults. It grows slowly in diameter over 5–20 years or longer.

Do intermittent sunburns cause lentigo maligna?

  • Although lentigo maligna occurs on chronically sun-damaged skin, it is thought that intermittent sunburns, rather than cumulative sun exposure, are a risk factor for lentigo maligna [2]. Studies have shown that lentigo maligna has a different genetic make-up than other types of melanoma.

How can I protect myself from lentigo maligna melanoma?

  • When you do spend time in the sun, use a high-SPF sunscreen and wear a large hat that protects your face and neck. It’s also important to monitor any changes in your skin by getting annual skin exams from your doctor or dermatologist. Lentigo maligna melanoma is the invasive form of lentigo maligna.

Does lentigo maligna melanoma show up on a CT scan?

  • A CT scan or MRI scan can also show any signs of spreading. If you’re diagnosed with lentigo maligna melanoma, your doctor will determine its stage, which reflects how serious it is. Breslow’s thickness, which is the thickness of the spot, helps determine the stage of skin cancer.

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