Quando chiudono le discoteche a Ibiza 2021?


Quando chiudono le discoteche a Ibiza 2021?

Quando chiudono le discoteche a Ibiza 2021?

L'Amnesia Closing Party 2021 si svolgerà il 23 ottobre.

Quando iniziano le serate ad Ibiza?

Ecco alcune date popolari: le feste di apertura dei club si tengono nel mese di maggio; i party di chiusura si tengono di solito alla fine di settembre e in ottobre; il fine settimana dei party di Radio 1, di solito, è il primo fine settimana di agosto.

Quando riaprono le disco a Ibiza?

Da settimane i dipartimenti della salute e dell'economia, del turismo e del lavoro del governo delle Baleari stanno definendo i dettagli per consentire, alle discoteche e agli hotel di Ibiza, di riaprire – con gradualità e regole chiare – a partire da sabato 3 luglio 2021.

When do opening parties start in Ibiza in 2021?

  • IMS typically takes place over the course of a few days between the 20th-24th May. So in a normal year, most Opening Parties start in Ibiza by the 21st-23rd May. Of course, in 2021 this is completely dependent on the situation with Coronavirus, and whether borders are open and clubs are allowed to open at all.

When does the summer season start and finish in Ibiza?

  • As with Ibiza’s Closing Parties, there’s no official time period for when the season starts or finishes. In the past few years, many see the International Music Summit (IMS) as the time when the season really gets underway.

Is Ibiza's IMS taking place this year?

  • Indeed, IMS will not be taking place this year and have announced plans to return in April 2022. Looking at previous seasons, it’s definitely getting more and more difficult to guess when Ibiza clubs and parties get underway.

Which Ibiza super clubs will open first?

  • Once we know more about each club’s official opening party, we’ll update the information below. Amnesia is typically the first super club to open in Ibiza, and puts on an early treat with both of its huge rooms showing off a jam-packed line up.

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