What does eclectic personality mean?


What does eclectic personality mean?

What does eclectic personality mean?

A person who uses eclectic methods in philosophy, science, or art. ... The definition of eclectic is something that is made up of various sources or styles. An example of eclectic is the taste in music of a person who enjoys listening to country, hip hop, gospel and classical music.

What is an eclectic view?

Eclecticism is a conceptual approach that does not hold rigidly to a single paradigm or set of assumptions, but instead draws upon multiple theories, styles, or ideas to gain complementary insights into a subject, or applies different theories in particular cases.

What are two synonyms for eclectic?

synonyms for eclectic

  • broad.
  • diverse.
  • varied.
  • wide-ranging.
  • catholic.
  • liberal.
  • universal.
  • all-embracing.

What is the best synonym for eclectic?


  • assorted,
  • heterogeneous,
  • indiscriminate,
  • kitchen-sink,
  • magpie,
  • miscellaneous,
  • mixed,
  • motley,

Is it bad to be eclectic?

Having too much of anything is never a good thing, especially in design. ... Having an eclectic design style means that you know exactly what you like and that you appreciate multiple styles; and that is why being "eclectic" is actually a good thing!

Is being called eclectic good?

Generally it is considered a good thing to have one's ideas or influences come from a wide variety of sources, so I'd say to be eclectic is generally positive. The word itself does not have any connotation of positive nor negative, only that something is derived from diverse sources.

Who is the pioneer of eclectic Counselling?

One of the early proponents of eclectic therapy, cognitive therapist Arnold Lazarus, used the term “multi-modal” to describe his method, because he would use different “modes,” or approaches to help different clients.

Who propounded eclecticism?

The recognized founder of the eclectic school (eclectica philosophia; Wahl-Philosophie [Selective philosophy]) in Germany was Christian Thomasius (1655–1728), for whom, as for Vossius, philosophy was a collective enterprise not reducible to the teaching of one author or separable from learned tradition and succession ...

Is eclectic a compliment?

Generally it is considered a good thing to have one's ideas or influences come from a wide variety of sources, so I'd say to be eclectic is generally positive. The word itself does not have any connotation of positive nor negative, only that something is derived from diverse sources.

What is an eclectic approach to psychology?

Eclectic therapy is an approach that draws on multiple theoretical orientations and techniques. It is a flexible and multifaceted approach to therapy that allows the therapist to use the most effective methods available to address each individual client's needs.

What does the name eclectic mean?

  • eclectic (Noun) Someone who selects according to the eclectic method. Etymology: From éclectique,from ἐκλεκτικός,from ἐκλέγω,from ἐκ+λέγω.
  • eclectic (Adjective) Selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines,methods or styles. ...
  • eclectic (Adjective) Unrelated and unspecialized; heterogeneous. ...

What does eclectic mean?

  • Eclectic comes from a Greek verb meaning "to select" and was originally applied to ancient philosophers who were not committed to any single system of philosophy; instead, these philosophers selected whichever doctrines pleased them from every school of thought.

What is another word for eclectic?

  • Synonyms for Eclectic: adj. catholic (adjective) wide. comprehensive, general (adjective) catholic, wide-ranging, inclusive, liberal, many-sided, multiform, multifarious, mixed, Mingled, all-embracing, diversified, universal, diverse, broad, selective, varied, heterogeneous, assorted, dilettantish. critical (adjective) discriminating.

What is the origin for the word eclectic?

  • Where "eclectic" comes from Word etymologies are sometimes obscure, but the origin of "eclectic" is very straightforward. It comes directly from Greek "eclectikos," meaning "selective." In fact, the word has its origin in the name for a specific school of Classical Greek philosophy.

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