Who did Edith Crawley marry?

Who did Edith Crawley marry?
Bertie Pelham Lady Edith and Bertie on their wedding day. After six seasons of troubles, Lady Edith finally finds happiness. In the last episode of the series, the middle Crawley daughter marries Bertie Pelham to become the Marchioness of Hexham, a position which outranks everyone else in her family.
How did Edith Crawley meet her husband?
Edith had met her soon-to-be husband, Herbert "Bertie" Pelham, the land agent at Brancaster Castle while the family was there for the Grouse season. ... During that time, she and Bertie fell in love. After the troublesome Mr.
Does Edith Crawley have a baby?
Edith's beloved daughter. Marigold was the daughter of Lady Edith Crawley and her publisher/paramour, Michael Gregson. Prior to her birth, Michael had disappeared in Munich, Germany (later it was revealed that he had been killed by the Brown Shirts, Nazi supporters, during the infamous Bier Hall Putsch).
Why did Edith leave Downton Abbey?
After Edith receives word that Michael is dead, she decides to leave Downton Abbey while her family are at the races (except for Tom, whom she says goodbye to before she leaves but does not explain where or why she is going).
How does Bertie Pelham become Marquess?
Pelham tells Edith he loves her and proposes marriage. She asks him if he would let her bring Marigold with her. He consents, but hopes they would be able to have children of their own. ... His cousin Peter dies in late July/August 1925 and Bertie succeeds to the Marquisate of Hexham, becoming the seventh marquess.
Who is the father of marigold in Downton Abbey?
Michael Gregson (b. 18 — d. 1922) was an editor and publisher for The Sketch, a society magazine based in London. He was the employer and lover of Lady Edith Crawley, and the late father of her only daughter, Marigold, whom he would never know.