Quanto guadagna un OSS part time?

Quanto guadagna un OSS part time?
Stipendio Operatore Socio Sanitario - Variazioni
Professione | Stipendio | Variazione |
OSS in Casa di Riposo | 1.300 €/mese | +8% |
OSS in Ospedale | 1.220 €/mese | +2% |
OSS in Cooperativa Sociale | 960 €/mese | -20% |
OSS Part Time | 720 €/mese | -40% |
Come si definisce il superamento di orario di lavoro part time?
In un contratto di lavoro part-time è considerato lavoro supplementare quello svolto oltre l'orario concordato da contratto, entro i limiti delle 40 ore settimanali.
How many hours is part-time?
- For most companies, 30 hours to 35 hours per week is considered to be part-time. The federal government does not provide a definition of a part-time employee, so part-time is largely defined by employers and is different from company to company. How Many Hours Is Full-Time?
What kind of jobs offer part-time hours?
- Employers who provide part-time hours are usually looking for employees who can be flexible and contribute wherever needed. While there are certainly always jobs in the hospitality and retail industries that offer part-time positions, you can also typically find part-time work in whatever field you might be trained.
Can a part-time employee work overtime hours?
- Sometimes when a business is at the height of its busiest season, a full-time employee is unable to work, or some other circumstance changes, a part-time employee may end up working overtime hours. Part-time workers may occasionally end up working overtime, or more than 40 hours, in a week.
Are part-time workers too much of a drag on productivity?
- One common warning though is that too many part-time workers can be a drag on productivity. Basically, the less time people spend immersed in their job and the company culture, the less productive they are.