Cosa significa Loacker?


Cosa significa Loacker?

Cosa significa Loacker?

«( IT ) Loacker, che bontà! ... La Loacker S.p.A. (in tedesco Loacker AG) è un'impresa dolciaria italiana produttrice di wafer, cioccolato e derivati, sita in Alto Adige.

Perché i Loacker si chiamano Napolitaner?

La denominazione Napolitaner deriva dal fatto che in origine venivano utilizzate solamente qualità di nocciole coltivate nei territori intorno a Napoli. ... Il delicato processo di tostatura di Loacker dona alle nocciole, e di conseguenza ai prodotti, il loro gusto unico e inconfondibile.

Where can I learn more about Loacker's production process?

  • For an extensive insight into our production processes, you can visit Loacker’s World of Goodness with Loacker Café and Brand Store, Pastry Workshop and interactive exhibition in Heinfels (Eastern Tyrol). On top of that, you can also learn more about our company’s history, philosophy, and the production of our products.

What is Loacker about?

  • Here you get a short overview and interesting facts about Loacker! As a producing and service-orientated company, we are committed to the protection of our employees and nature, to complying with customer requests, to a systematic management and an open information policy.

What is Loacker tortina mini?

  • Loacker Tortina Mini has been created to satisfy your desire for goodness without being filling. Just the pure pleasure of exquisite chocolate that doesn’t satiate too much. It’s not always easy to find a treat with a full, perfectly rounded taste. That’s why Loacker has created its uniquely irresistible Patisserie collection.

Who are the grandchildren of the Loacker group?

  • Alfons's three grandchildren – Christine Loacker-Zuenelli's son Ulrich, and Armin's sons Andreas and Martin – joined Loacker in the 1990s. Ulrich, in administration, guided the company to world leadership in the wafer market. Andreas started taking care of research and development, the procurement of ingredients and sustainability.

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