Come cambiare la lingua del app Store?


Come cambiare la lingua del app Store?

Come cambiare la lingua del app Store?

Fare riferimento ai seguenti passaggi:

  1. Passaggio 1: toccare Impostazioni nella schermata Home .
  2. Passaggio 2: tocca Lingua & input .
  3. Passaggio 3: tocca Lingua .
  4. Passaggio 4: passa alla lingua preferita.
  5. Nota: la lingua di App&rs di terze parti verrà automaticamente sostituita dalla lingua del sistema.

Come cambiare la lingua al app Store?

Cambiare la lingua su un dispositivo Android

  1. Sul tuo dispositivo Android, tocca Impostazioni .
  2. Tocca Sistema Lingue e input. Lingue. ...
  3. Tocca Aggiungi una lingua. e scegli la lingua che vuoi utilizzare.
  4. Trascina la lingua nella parte superiore dell'elenco.

When will Sweatcoin be available in Europe?

  • Sweatcoin will be released throughout Europe over the remainder of 2018. Over the next few months we will see the Sweatcoin App in Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Finland, Denmark and the rest of the EU. Transparency is a major theme in successful, young businesses.

What is the value of sweatcoins?

  • As of now, there is no definitive value that can be associated with Sweatcoins, as there is no official platform for exchange. However, day trading in unofficial communities has created a miniature economy for the currency that has valued it at (as of January 2018) anywhere between 4 to 8 cents per coin.

How do I exchange Sweatcoin (SWC) to another currency?

  • Sweatcoin has not yet moved to blockchain, as such there is no public exchange for price discovery and trading in SWC. If you would like to exchange your Sweatcoin to GBP or EUR, please open the app with the button below, follow user "Howard100".

What is the fastest way to earn Sweatcoin?

  • Most folks believe that the fastest way to earn Sweatcoin is to walk or jog more. This is obviously the intention of the App and will serve you very well but the fastest way to load your account with coins (and earn rewards) is to refer your friends and contacts to join #SweatcoinNation.

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