Come si arriva al delirio?
Come si arriva al delirio?
Qualsiasi persona può andare incontro a delirio in caso di grave malattia o assunzione di farmaci che influiscono sulla funzione cerebrale (farmaci psicoattivi). Altre cause includono ricovero, interventi chirurgici, interruzione di un farmaco che è stato assunto dal soggetto per lungo tempo, alcuni disturbi e veleni.
Cos'è un mental breakdown?
Generalità L'esaurimento nervoso, o nevrastenia, è uno stato mentale che determina un certo turbamento emotivo e una particolare stanchezza di natura psico-fisica. In genere, è una condizione acuta, che ha durata temporanea e insorgenza improvvisa.
What is Bouffée délirante (BD)?
- Bouffée délirante (BD) is an acute and transient psychotic disorder. It is a uniquely French psychiatric diagnostic term with a long history in France and various French speaking nations: Caribbean, e.g. Haiti, Guadeloupe, Antilles and Francophone Africa.
What does délirante mean in French?
- Chabrol translates the word délirante as "delusional". Other common dictionary definitions include less useful meanings such as "crazy" or "incoherent". A reasonable English translation of the term bouffée délirante is "delusional flash".
What is boufée delirante syndrome?
- Boufée Delirante A French term for a culture-bound symptom complex described in West Africa and Haiti, characterised by an abrupt onset of agitated and aggressive behaviour, confusion and psychomotor excitement. Boufée delirante may be accompanied by auditory or visual hallucinations or paranoid ideation, and has features of a psychotic episode
What is a bougée délirante reaction?
- History. Bouffée délirante is a French term that was introduced in 1886 by Valentin Magnan meaning short-lived psychosis. He used it to describe transient psychotic or psychosis reactions. Bouffée délirante reactions are sudden attacks of brief duration with paranoid delusions and often concomitant hallucinations,...