FSH (ormone follicolo stimolante): per valutare se la donna sia in fase perimenopausale o già in post-menopausa; in linea generale, i livelli di FSH aumentano durante il periodo di transizione.
Estradiolo: per misurare la produzione ovarica di estrogeni e per valutare se il ciclo mestruale sia normale.
Does an FSH level of 30 indicate peri-menopause?
An FSH of <30 nmol/L does not exclude peri-menopause. Levels can fluctuate greatly during the peri-menopausal period. A single raised FSH level (> 30 nmol/L) indicates a degree of ovarian insufficiency but the clinical picture of symptoms and menstrual pattern will vary for each individual woman. There is no need to repeat this test.
How is peri/menopause diagnosed?
THE LABORATORY INVESTIGATION OF PERI/MENOPAUSE AND ASSESSING CONTRACEPTIVE NEEDS. The use of FSH to diagnose peri/menopause. FSH should be considered to diagnose peri/menopause in; Women 40-45 years with menopausal symptoms and a change in menstrual cycle. Women < 40 years in whom premature menopause is suspected.
What should I do if my FSH levels are high?
-If the result is >30 nmol/L, continue contraception for 1 year and then stop (there is no need to repeat this test). -If the result is <30 nmol/L, continue with contraception and recheck FSH after 1 year. If a woman is using depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), this may suppress FSH levels.
Can FSH levels be used to assess contraceptive needs?
The use of FSH in assessing contraceptive needs. In women who are still menstruating or have been amenorrhoeic for less than a year (or 2 years if less than 50) an FSH of >30 nmol/L should not be used as a guide to stopping contraception immediately.