What is the synonym of pray?


What is the synonym of pray?

What is the synonym of pray?

Synonyms & Antonyms of pray

  • appeal (to),
  • beg,
  • beseech,
  • besiege,
  • conjure,
  • entreat,
  • impetrate,
  • implore,

How do you use the word pray?

She had decided she must go on as usual, follow her normal routine, and hope and pray.

  1. We do pray you to show mercy.
  2. They went to pray in the temple.
  3. I will pray to God for your safety.
  4. Take great care, I pray you!
  5. They went to the mosque to pray.
  6. These people pray to many gods.
  7. Christians hope and pray for salvation.

What it means to pray to God?

Prayer is a way of relating: to God, to ourselves, to those around us. In opening our hearts and minds and souls to God we are challenged to grow, change, and to love. Just as we make time to spend with those we love, so in making time to pray we are seeking to grow in our relationship with the Divine.

What is the purpose of pray?

Prayer is an act of communication with God It is not just about getting our needs met. God calls us to pray in order to develop and deepen relationships with Him. God wants friendship. Jesus said in John 15:14-15 (NIV): “You are My friends if you do what I command you.

What is the opposite of pray?

Opposite of to ask earnestly, especially in prayer. answer. refuse. give.

What is prayer in the Bible?

What is prayer in the Bible? Prayer in the Bible is how believers of God talk to him. It's how they make their praise and requests known. The Scriptures are filled with beautiful examples of people crying out to God and asking for his strength, guidance, healing and more. ... This leads to what is the purpose of prayer is.

What is praying in the Spirit?

If you seek to pray in the Holy Spirit, you seek to develop the love character of Jesus Christ, and seek to conform your prayers to desires that are not lustful, but rather, desires that develop your capacity for love. This means desire for professions, spouses, children, material possessions etc.

What does praying mean in the Bible?

What is prayer in the Bible? Prayer in the Bible is how believers of God talk to him. It's how they make their praise and requests known. The Scriptures are filled with beautiful examples of people crying out to God and asking for his strength, guidance, healing and more.

Why does God need prayer?

You would not even have the grace to ask for His grace except that it His free Gift. But after that initial free gift, He requires our cooperation - thus we must pray. Prayer adds nothing to God and subtracts nothing from God - such would be impossible. But it adds everything to us, and thus God requires it.

What is praying in the Bible?

What is prayer in the Bible? Prayer in the Bible is how believers of God talk to him. It's how they make their praise and requests known. The Scriptures are filled with beautiful examples of people crying out to God and asking for his strength, guidance, healing and more. ... This leads to what is the purpose of prayer is.

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