Quando la mantide religiosa uccide il maschio?
- Quando la mantide religiosa uccide il maschio?
- Dove si trova la mantide religiosa?
- Perché la mantide religiosa?
- What is the scientific name of the praying mantis?
- What are the characteristics of the European praying mantis?
- What are the characteristics of Mantodea?
- How many moults does a female mantis have?

Quando la mantide religiosa uccide il maschio?
Il rituale dell'accoppiamento della mantide religiosa Appena il maschio smette di accarezzare con le sue antenne la sua compagna, quest'ultima lo decapita e inizia il macabro rito del pasto post-copula. ... La mantide femmina si ciba del maschio per trarre le energie necessarie a produrre e a far crescere le sue uova.
Dove si trova la mantide religiosa?
La mantide religiosa vive nelle regioni calde dall'Europa meridionale, sino alla Polonia, e in Asia e Africa, mentre è stata introdotta accidentalmente in Nord America e Australia.
Perché la mantide religiosa?
Il nome del genere deriva dal greco "mantis", cioè profeta, indovino, e fa riferimento alla postura delle zampe anteriori che ricorda un atteggiamento di preghiera.
What is the scientific name of the praying mantis?
- The European mantis (Mantis religiosa) is a large hemimetabolic insect in the family of the Mantidae ('mantids'), which is the largest family of the order Mantodea (mantises). Their common name praying mantis is derived from the distinctive posture of the first pair of legs that can be observed in animals in repose. It resembles a praying attitude.
What are the characteristics of the European praying mantis?
- European mantis. Their common name praying mantis is derived from the distinctive posture of the first pair of legs that can be observed in animals in repose. It resembles a praying attitude. Both males and females have elongated bodies with two pair of wings. The most striking features that all Mantodea share are a very mobile,...
What are the characteristics of Mantodea?
- Both males and females have elongated bodies with two pairs of wings. The most striking features that all Mantodea share are a very mobile, triangular head with large compound eyes and their first pair of legs (the ' raptorial legs'), which is highly modified for the efficient capture and restraint of fast-moving or flying prey.
How many moults does a female mantis have?
- While more than eight moults have never been observed in M. religiosa, females usually need one more moult than males under similar circumstances. Closely related mantids have been reported to be larger than M. religiosa and require more moults (9–11).