Come calcolare l'indice di herfindahl?


Come calcolare l'indice di herfindahl?

Come calcolare l'indice di herfindahl?

Viceversa, quando l'indice si avvicina al valore uno (1) indica una concentrazione massima del potere di mercato. Nel settore A l'indice di Herfindahl è dato dalla sommatoria delle quote di mercato al quadrato (0,302+0,252+0,252+52+52+52+52) ed è pari a 0,225 (HA).

What is the highest value of a Gini coefficient?

  • The coefficient ranges from 0 (or 0%) to %), with 0 representing perfect equality and 1 representing perfect inequality. Values over 1 are theoretically possible due to negative income or wealth. The Gini index is a measure of the distribution of income across a population.

What does a high Gini coefficient mean?

  • If A is a very large area (making B very small), then the Gini Coefficient is large (almost 1) and it means there is very uneven distribution of income. Countries with a high Gini Coefficient are more likely to become unstable, since there is a large mass of poor people who are jealous of the small number of rich people.

How is Gini coefficient calculated?

  • The Gini coefficient is calculated as the area A [between the curve and the line of equality] divided by the sum of areas A and B [everything under the line of equality]. If income is distributed completely equally, then the Lorenz curve and the line of total equality are merged and the Gini coefficient is zero.

What are the limitations of Gini coefficient?

  • Sample bias. The validity of Gini coefficient calculations can be dependent on the size of a sample. ...
  • Data inaccuracy. The Gini coefficient is prone to systematic and random data errors. ...
  • Same Gini coefficient but different income distribution. ...
  • Does not reflect the structural changes in a population. ...

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