Come fare per avere la vita più stretta?

Come fare per avere la vita più stretta?
Se vuoi snellire il girovita, devi mangiare sano, fare un lavoro cardio come la corsa, il salto alla corda o il tapis roulant ed esercizi specifici almeno 3 volte a settimana.
Perché diminuiscono i centimetri ma non di peso?
La perdita di centimetri è indice di ottimi risultati della dieta e del percorso fitness. Se le taglie diminuiscono ma i chili no, il fenomeno è legato al fatto che la massa magra pesa di più della massa grassa.
What is the range of the new Vespa Elettrica?
- Vespa Elettrica with a 2 kW battery and a range of 100 km (62 mi). There will be an hybrid option as well with a range of 200 km. Piaggio started production on September 2018 and it was released at the beginning of 2019.
Why did Vespa stop making scooters in the US?
- Two expensive product-liability lawsuits, increased competition from Japanese scooters, and certain states' passing so-called "green laws" led to the bankruptcy of Vespa's American importer and the withdrawal of Vespa from the US market in late 1981.
What is the difference between a 1948 and 1953 Vespa 125?
- Improvements were made to the original design and new models were introduced. The 1948 Vespa 125 had rear suspension and a bigger engine. The headlamp was moved up to the handlebars in 1953 and had more engine power and a restyled rear fairing. A cheaper spartan version was also available.
Where is the largest Vespa market in the world?
- Vespa's largest market by all measures globally is still Italy, but as a result of the Mod subculture that developed in the 1960s, the United Kingdom is still Vespa's second largest global market—and at one point in the 1960s, its largest.