Come curare la rosacea in viso?

Come curare la rosacea in viso?
Come curarla
- creme o gel ad uso topico per attenuare rossore o papule,
- farmaci che agiscono restringendo temporaneamente i capillari (in caso sia presente rossore antiestetico),
- antibiotici nei casi più gravi,
- laser soprattutto per le teleangectasie (o capillari rotti).
Che cos'è la rosacea al viso?
La rosacea è un disturbo cutaneo persistente che provoca arrossamento, piccoli brufoli ed evidenza dei vasi sanguigni, solitamente nella parte centrale del viso.
What is the goal of treatment for rosacea?
- The goal of treatment is to control the symptoms associated with rosacea. Treatment may include: Diet modifications (for example, avoiding foods that dilate the skin's blood vessels, such as caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol) If you have been diagnosed with rosacea, you can help manage the condition by:
What is the link between rosacea and nose problems?
- The disorder can cause the nose to take on a bulbous, swollen appearance called rhinophyma. Rosacea can affect the eyes, causing them to feel irritated and to appear bloodshot or watery. Styes may occur. This is called ocular rosacea. Rosacea affects an estimated 14 million Americans.
What does rosacea look like on light skin?
- Rosacea on light skin. Rosacea on light skin Changes typical of rosacea are redness of the cheeks, nose and central face, with small red bumps or pustules.
Can rosacea be mistaken for something else?
- Rosacea can be mistaken for acne, an allergic reaction or other skin problems. Rosacea can occur in anyone. But it most commonly affects middle-aged women who have fair skin. While there's no cure for rosacea, treatments can control and reduce the signs and symptoms.