Che significa Solos?


Che significa Solos?

Che significa Solos?

– 1. agg. a. Di persona, che è senza compagnia di alcuno, che non ha nessun altro insieme o vicino: Solo e pensoso i più deserti campi Vo mesurando a passi tardi e lenti (Petrarca); lo trovai s.; sono usciti tutti e l'hanno lasciato s.

Cosa vuol dire una donna sola?

di nubĕre «maritarsi»]. – Di donna, che non s'è sposata (è il corrispondente di celibe, riferito all'uomo): essere, restare n.; ha due figlie n., ha una sorella ancora n.; e come s. f.: una n. ... /'nubile/ [dal lat.

What does the name Solos mean?

  • Solis is a Spanish name derived from the Latin "Sol Solis" meaning sun and the name of many famous people including Mauricio Solis.

Is it solo or Soli?

  • Definition and background: Soli, the plural form of solo, is a directive for the soloist to perform the passage of a composition along with an entire section of an ensemble, as opposed to "solo" where only one member of the section performs alone. Wikipedia - Glossary of Musical Terminology. Click to see full answer.

What does Solos mean?

  • In music, a solo is a piece or a section of a piece played or sung by a single performer. In practice this means a number of different things, depending on the type of music and the context. ... The word is also used for the act of performing a solo, and sometimes for the performer.

What is the origin for solo?

  • Solo comes from the baptismal name Solomon. This name is ultimately derived from the Hebrew given name Shelomo, which is derived from the word shalom, which means peace. This name was popular among both Jews and Christians during the Middle Ages.

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