Cosa vuol dire metaplasia matura?

Cosa vuol dire metaplasia matura?
Metaplasia è il termine impiegato per il processo in base al quale un tipo di epitelio completamente differenziato si trasforma in un altro tipo di epitelio differenziato. E' solitamente un cambiamento adattativo che avviene in risposta ad una irritazione cronica o a uno stimolo ormonale.
Cosa si intende per metaplasia squamosa?
La metaplasia squamosa è la conversione di un epitelio mucoso e/o ghiandolare monostratificato in un epitelio squamoso pluristratificato. La metaplasia squamosa non è un processo tumorale; infatti, le cellule dell'epitelio coinvolto mantengono le caratteristiche di crescita e replicazione tipiche delle cellule sane.
Is metaplasia the same as dysplasia?
- Metaplasia and dysplasia are two different stages of that disease progression that ultimately end up as cancer. Metaplasia is defined as the replacement of one type of cells with another type whereas dysplasia is the disordered growth of the cells.
What does metaplasia mean?
- Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Metaplasia. Metaplasia is the reversible replacement of one differentiated cell type with another mature differentiated cell type. The change from one type of cell to another may generally be a part of normal maturation process or caused by some sort of abnormal stimulus.
What are the different types of metaplasia?
- Types of Metaplasia. Metaplasia may be: a. Epithelial e.g. bronchial, gastric, cervical epithelium. b. Mesenchymal e.g. fractured bone. Metaplasia results in loss of some function. Persistent stimulation leads to dysplasia which may result in carcinoma.
What is metaplasia of endometrium?
- Metaplasia in endometrium is a common benign condition that occurs in the glands of the endometrial lining (of the uterus). Metaplasia is defined as a change of one cell type to another cell type Squamous Metaplasia in Endometrium is a type of metaplasia noted in the uterine corpus.