Quali lauree ci sono?


Quali lauree ci sono?

Quali lauree ci sono?

Quali sono tutti i corsi di laurea?
Corso di laureaLivello
Archeologia e culture del mondo anticoCorso di Laurea Magistrale
Architecture and creative practices for the city and landscapeCorso di Laurea Magistrale
ArchitetturaCorso di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico
Architettura-IngegneriaCorso di Laurea Triennale

Quali lauree sono triennali?


  1. L-1 Lauree in Beni Culturali.
  2. L-2 Lauree in Biotecnologie.
  3. L-3 Lauree in Discipline delle Arti Figurative, della Musica, dello Spettacolo e della Moda.
  4. L-4 Lauree in Disegno Industriale.
  5. L-5 Lauree in Filosofia.
  6. L-6 Lauree in Geografia.

Quali lauree brevi esistono?

Elenco delle Lauree triennali (3 anni di corso)
Comunicazione linguistica e interculturaleDipartimento di lettere lingue arti. italianistica e culture comparate
Culture delle lingue moderne e del turismoDipartimento di lettere lingue arti. italianistica e culture comparate
DietisticaScuola di medicina

What is the difference between the old laurea and the Laurea?

  • The new Laurea (180 ECTS credits), a first cycle degree that is equivalent to a bachelor's degree, includes bachelor-level courses, simpler than those of the old laurea, and its normative time to completion is three years (note that In Italy scuola secondaria superiore or Lyceum, high school, takes five years, so it ends at 19 years of age).

What is a laurea magistrale degree?

  • The new Laurea magistrale (formerly known as Laurea Specialistica, 2002–2006) is a second cycle degree equivalent to a master's degree (120 ECTS credits) which can be earned in a two-year programme after the laurea and requires an experimental thesis (usually, 150–250 pages).

What is a Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico?

  • In some fields (particularly, Medicine, Law, Engineering and Architecture) the Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico is awarded. This is a five or six year second cycle (master's) degree (3 ECTS), which does not require a previous first cycle degree for the admission (like an Integrated Master's degree in the UK).

What is the proper way to address a la Laureati?

  • Laureati are customarily addressed as dottore (for a man) or dottoressa (for a woman), as are holders of at least a laurea (Legge n. 240/2010 art. 17 comma 2 Riforma Gelmini). This is in contrast with the convention in countries where the title of doctor is restricted to holders of a PhD...

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