What triggered means?

What triggered means?
What does triggered mean? ... To be triggered is to have an intense emotional or physical reaction, such as a panic attack, after encountering a trigger.
How do you use the word trigger?
release or pull the trigger on.
- He kept his finger on the trigger.
- Unresolved or unacknowledged fears can trigger sleepwalking.
- It's not clear who actually pulled the trigger.
- He is quick on the trigger.
- He pulled the trigger of his rifle.
- He took aim and squeezed the trigger.
What is the example of trigger?
Trigger is defined as to fire a gun or to start a series of events or emotions. An example of trigger is to shoot a rifle while hunting. An example of trigger is to start crying at a movie, thereby causing many other people in the theater to begin weeping.
When a person is a trigger?
A trigger is a reminder of a past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks. A flashback is a vivid, often negative memory that may appear without warning.
Is triggered a slang word?
Urban Dictionary is used to define slang and colloquial terms, and it proceeds to define “triggered” as “when someone gets offended or gets their feelings hurt, often used in memes to describe feminist, or people with strong victimization.” This definition is insulting and trivializes the actual meaning of the word.
Why do we use triggers?
Because a trigger resides in the database and anyone who has the required privilege can use it, a trigger lets you write a set of SQL statements that multiple applications can use. It lets you avoid redundant code when multiple programs need to perform the same database operation.
What is instead of trigger?
An INSTEAD OF trigger is a trigger that allows you to skip an INSERT , DELETE , or UPDATE statement to a table or a view and execute other statements defined in the trigger instead. ... In other words, an INSTEAD OF trigger skips a DML statement and execute other statements.
When trauma is triggered?
A trauma trigger is a psychological stimulus that prompts involuntary recall of a previous traumatic experience. The stimulus itself need not be frightening or traumatic and may be only indirectly or superficially reminiscent of an earlier traumatic incident, such as a scent or a piece of clothing.
What are triggers in a relationship?
Triggers are situations that represent painful reminders of your past - often linked to childhood - that impact how you react today. Triggers can be traced back to childhood experiences. For instance, if you've experienced neglect or abandonment, you might anticipate the same thing happening in your relationship.
Does triggered mean angry?
Meaning of triggered in English experiencing a strong emotional reaction of fear, shock, anger, or worry, especially because you are made to remember something bad that has happened in the past: With my PTSD I'm very easily triggered. When you're triggered it can be hard to think rationally.7 giorni fa