Is blunder a bad word?


Is blunder a bad word?

Is blunder a bad word?

Blunder is a strong word for a mistake which is stupid, a gross error in action or speech. A bull is a blunder in language, involving generally a very obvious and comical contradiction; but the word is sometimes applied to any particularly inapt or ludicrously inappropriate remark.

What is an example of a blunder?

An example of blunder is someone tripping over their own foot. The definition of a blunder is a foolish mistake. An example of blunder is someone referring to a man's wife as his daughter. A clumsy or embarrassing mistake.

How do you use the word blunder?

Blunder in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because he was not paying close attention, the driver made a blunder by hitting a stop sign.
  2. The groom made a blunder when he called the bride the wrong name.
  3. The 911 prank caller realized his blunder was serious when the police showed up at his door.

Is Blunderer a word?

A clumsy person: botcher, bungler, dub, foozler. Slang: screwup.

What is a token of love?

love token in British English (lʌv ˈtəʊkən) noun. a gift that is symbolic of a love relationship.

What do you call an embarrassing mistake?

blunder Add to list Share. A blunder is an embarrassing mistake.

What does blundering mean in the dictionary?

to move or act blindly, stupidly, or without direction or steady guidance: Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room. to make a gross or stupid mistake, especially through carelessness or mental confusion: Just pray that he doesn't blunder again and get the names wrong.

Can we use blunder mistake?

If you blunder, you make a stupid or careless mistake. If you blunder into a dangerous or difficult situation, you get involved in it by mistake.

What is a token husband?

A token boyfriend is a guy who is the only male in his friendship group of females.

What is Crypto NFT?

An NFT is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on the blockchain that can track a unique digital asset's transfer, ownership and properties. The term non-fungible distinguishes NFTs from other blockchain entities like cryptocurrencies, which are equal in value and mutually interchangeable or fungible.1 giorno fa

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