Come si cura IPB?


Come si cura IPB?

Come si cura IPB?

Di solito, la condizione viene inizialmente trattata con i farmaci. I bloccanti alfa-adrenergici (come terazosina, doxazosina, tamsulosina, alfuzosina o silodosina) inducono il rilassamento di alcuni muscoli della prostata e della vescica e possono migliorare il flusso urinario.

Cosa fare per sgonfiare la prostata?

Alcune delle principali tecniche di chirurgia per la cura della prostata ingrossata sono:

  1. La TURP o (resezione transuretrale delle prostata). ...
  2. La TUIP (o incisione transuretrale della prostata). ...
  3. La TUMT (o termoterapia transuretrale a microonde). ...
  4. La TUNA (o ablazione transuretrale con ago). ...
  5. L'adenomectomia prostatica.

How long does Rezum last?

  • From the latest clinical trials, sustained improvement from symptoms has lasted for 2 years and ongoing studies will determine whether the results can last for longer. Although a variety of patients have already benefited from Rezum, the results can vary. This treatment is not suitable for all patients.

What is rezume procedure?

  • REZUM is an effective procedure that offers numerous advantages to many men with enlarged prostate. It works for many men but not for all men. The success of treatment depends on patient characteristics including severity of symptoms, size of prostate and severity of blockage caused by an enlarged prostate.

What is rezume prostate procedure?

  • Rezum is a type of Transurethral RF Thermal Therapy that treats BPH and is typically performed in either out-patient or clinic settings. With the use of a hand-held device, Rezum will deliver a radiofrequency “generated thermal therapy” in a water vapor form, to the direct site of additional prostate tissue.

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