What is the name of Sailor Moon's cat?


What is the name of Sailor Moon's cat?

What is the name of Sailor Moon's cat?

Luna Luna (ルナ, Runa) is a black cat who is a devoted servant to Princess Serenity and advisor to her mother, Queen Serenity. When the kingdom falls, she and Artemis are put into a long sleep and sent to Earth to look after the Sailor Guardians, who are reborn there.

Why is Luna a cat?

Well, it's because she isn't a real cat at all! Luna is actually an alien from the planet Mau, a planet of 'cat people' that are able to take on both feline and humanoid forms.

Who is the Pink cat in Sailor Moon?

Diana is the only daughter of Artemis and Luna from the 30th century future of Earth, Crystal Tokyo. She is the guardian feline and devoted companion of the Crown Princess of Crystal Tokyo, Chibiusa.

What kind of cat is Artemis from Sailor Moon?

Artemis is a white tomcat with short fur and blue eyes. Like Luna, he has a golden crescent moon on his forehead to show his allegiance to the Silver Millennium.

Are Luna and Artemis in love?

She and Artemis have an implied romantic relationship, which is confirmed when they meet Diana, who is their daughter from the future. During the Sailor Stars anime, Luna also develops a crush on Kou Yaten, one of the Three Lights.

Is Luna in Sailor Moon a girl?

In her human form, Luna is a young woman with curly, long black hair which reaches her waist. Her forehead bears the same yellow crescent moon that she wears as a cat, and which are also featured on her earrings.

Are Luna and Artemis humans?

They may look like cats but Luna and Artemis are actually aliens from the planet Mau. ... Creator Naoko Takeuchi actually retconned their original background to make them aliens because he liked the human form for Luna in the movie and so created human forms for Artemis and Diana as well - more on those later.

Who is Pegasus to chibiusa?

Pegasus is a white horse with a pair of white wings and has a golden horn which it the Golden Crystal. As Pegasus, he is the dream form of Helios. He took on that form when he is inside Chibiusa's dreams or when he assists Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon. The Golden Crystal is the horn on Pegasus' head.

Why is Sailor Saturn a child?

Due to the destructive nature of her powers, Hotaru would be reborn as an infant immediately upon fulfilling her task as Sailor Saturn in an event that ends with her demise.

What are the name of the Cats in Sailor Moon?

  • Cats (Sailor Moon) Artemis, Diana, and Luna in the anime, upon Diana's introduction in the anime. The Sailor Moon metaseries includes three different cat characters who act as advisors to their respective owners. Each has the power of speech, and bears a crescent moon symbol on his or her forehead.

Who is the Purple Cat in Sailor Moon?

  • Luna is a talking black-purple cat that advises Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon and the rest of the Guardian Senshi through the anime series. This is the first anime depiction of the original manga character.

What are the Black Cats Name in Sailor Moon?

  • Luna (ルナ, Runa) is a black cat who is a devoted servant to Princess Serenity and advisor to her mother, Queen Serenity. When the kingdom falls, she and Artemis are put into a long sleep and sent to Earth to look after the Sailor Guardians, who are reborn there.

What does Sailor Moon Cats Name?

  • Artemis is named after the Greek Goddess of the hunt and the moon, and its Roman equivalent is "Diana". She appears from the future in Sailor Moon SuperS. She is the only guardian cat to wear a collar with a jingle bell around her neck.

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