Perché viene un aneurisma cerebrale?


Perché viene un aneurisma cerebrale?

Perché viene un aneurisma cerebrale?

Un aneurisma cerebrale è una dilatazione patologica della parete di un vaso sanguigno, solitamente un'arteria, presente nel cervello. Questo rigonfiamento del vaso arterioso si viene a creare per lo sfiancamento della parete del vaso stesso, spesso favorita da problemi di ipertensione.

Come accorgersi di un aneurisma cerebrale?

Per aneurisma cerebrale si intende una dilatazione di un vaso arterioso cerebrale....Sintomi

  1. asintomatico.
  2. cefalea severa, segni di meningismo.
  3. lieve depressione del livello di coscienza, minimi deficit neurologici.
  4. depressione del livello di coscienza, emiparesi.
  5. coma.

What you should know about cerebral aneurysms?

  • A cerebral aneurysm is a bulging or weak area in an artery that brings blood to your brain. The area fills with blood and expands. The aneurysm can expand so much that blood bursts through the artery. This is a hemorrhagic stroke. An aneurysm that has not burst can be managed or treated to prevent it from rupturing.

What causes cerebral aneurysm?

  • Causes and symptoms. Cerebral aneurysms can be caused by brain trauma, infection, hardening of the arteries (athero-sclerosis), or abnormal rapid cell growth (neoplastic disease), but most seem to arise from a congenital, or developmental, defect. These congenital aneurysms occur more frequently in women.

What is the treatment for cerebral aneurysm?

  • Clipping and coiling are two treatment options. Clipping: A neurosurgeon can operate on the brain by cutting open the skull, identifying the damaged blood vessel and putting a clip across the aneurysm. This prevents blood from entering the aneurysm and causing further growth or blood leakage.

What are the types of cerebral aneurysm?

  • There are two main types of brain aneurysms: saccular and fusiform aneurysms. Symptoms develop rapidly when an aneurysm ruptures.

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