Come si pronuncia in inglese Ear?

Come si pronuncia in inglese Ear?
La pronuncia di ears è molto semplice: ia(r)s. La consonante s è tra parentesi perché si sentirà appena, o può essere addirittura muta, se a pronunciare ears sarà un britannico. Si sentirà più forte e definita se la stessa parola verrà pronunciata da un americano.
Come si pronuncia in inglese eye?
eyes in inglese significa occhi e usando l'alfabeto italiano si scriverebbe ais (s di casa). Nell'alfabeto fonetico internazionale (IPA) si scrive aɪz.
Come si pronuncia in inglese Mouth?
La trascrizione fonetica di mouth è /maʊθ/. Semplificando, la pronuncia di mouth potrebbe assomigliare a mauf.
What is the definition of head in biology?
- Definition of head (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth nodded his head in agreement
What does it mean to head a cabbage?
- 1 : to form a compact mass of leaves or fruit : to form a head (see head entry 1 sense 7b) This type of cabbage heads early. 3 : to have a source : originate The river heads in those mountains.
What does it mean to go over your head?
- over one's head 1 : beyond one's comprehension or competence the most awful intellectual detail, all of it over my head — E. B. White 2 : so as to pass over one's superior standing or authority went over my head to complain
What is the meaning of out of their heads with worry?
- : delirious Her parents were out of their heads with worry. 5 a : to place something at the beginning or top of (something) in order to introduce or categorize : to put something at the head of (something, as a list) Each page was headed with the writer's name.