Come riconoscere la psoriasi nei bambini?
- Come riconoscere la psoriasi nei bambini?
- Quali sono le dermatiti più comuni che possono entrare in diagnosi differenziale con la psoriasi nel bambino?
- What are the 5 types of psoriasis?
- What causes psoriasis in children?
- What are the causes and triggers of psoriasis?
- What are the treatment guidelines for psoriasis?

Come riconoscere la psoriasi nei bambini?
I sintomi della psoriasi pediatrica
- arrossamento e desquamazione della cute, che appare secca e screpolata e può sanguinare.
- prurito.
- bruciore.
- dolore, riconducibile direttamente alle lesioni della psoriasi o alle condizioni associate.
- deformazione e ispessimento delle unghie (psoriasi ungueale)
Quali sono le dermatiti più comuni che possono entrare in diagnosi differenziale con la psoriasi nel bambino?
IL RAPPORTO DELLA CROSTA LATTEA CON LA PSORIASI Nel lattante la comune dermatite seborroica (volgarmente denominata crosta lattea) caratterizzata dalla presenza di squame giallastre a livello del volto e del cuoio capelluto può costituire, a volte, una spia premonitrice in bambini con familiarità per psoriasi.
What are the 5 types of psoriasis?
- Plaque psoriasis is the most common form.
- Guttate psoriasis is the second most common form of psoriasis.
- Inverse psoriasis is different from other types of psoriasis in that it doesn’t present with a thick,white scale.
What causes psoriasis in children?
- Childhood bouts of guttate psoriasis are sometimes triggered by an illness, like a cold, chicken pox, tonsillitis, or strep throat. Skin injuries – from scratching or rubbing, for example – and stress may make matters worse. (You'll want to teach your toddler not to scratch the rash.)
What are the causes and triggers of psoriasis?
- Stress. One of the common triggers of psoriasis is stress. ...
- Alcohol. As per the medical research there is a link between psoriasis and heavy drinking. ...
- Injury. Sometimes psoriasis infect the skin that have been injured. ...
- Medications. Some medications are considered to be triggers of psoriasis flares.
- Infection. ...
- Smoking. ...
What are the treatment guidelines for psoriasis?
- Biologics. The majority of people with mild-to-moderate psoriasis are capable of controlling their disease with topical medications or phototherapy.
- Comorbidities. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects multiple systems of the body,not just the skin.
- Phototherapy. ...
- Pediatric patients. ...
- Systemic non-biological therapies. ...