Cosa vuol dire Wrap Up?

Cosa vuol dire Wrap Up?
To wrap up Questa è un'espressione comune per terminare una riunione e significa portare qualcosa a termine, spesso facendo una breve sintesi finale.
Cosa è un recap?
I n. (colloq) (recapitulation) ricapitolazione f., riepilogo m. (colloq) (to recapitulate) ricapitolare, riepilogare.
Cos'è un recapito di spedizione?
ricàpito) s. m. [der. di recapitare]. – 1. Il luogo dove si possono recapitare lettere o altri oggetti spediti o inviati a qualcuno, e, più genericam., dove si può trovare qualcuno (sinon.
Come fare la ricapitolazione?
0:574:04Clip suggerito · 59 secondiPratica: la ricapitolazione - YouTubeYouTube
What is the meaning of the word wrap up?
- Define wrap up. wrap up synonyms, wrap up pronunciation, wrap up translation, English dictionary definition of wrap up. v. wrapped or wrapt , wrap·ping , wraps v. tr. 1. To arrange or fold about as cover or protection: She wrapped her fur coat closely about herself. 2. Wrap up - definition of wrap up by The Free Dictionary
What is a 'wrap up' in construction?
- Wrap ups, the association stated in a memo, allow construction owners to designate a particular insurance carrier for the purchase of insurance for these types of public projects. The company's insurance program was to expire within four months and it had decided not to pursue a new construction wrap up.
What will wrap up the weeklong celebration?
- a grand parade will wrap up the weeklong celebration. Synonyms for wrap up. close, close out, complete, conclude, end, finish, round (off or out),
What is the difference between wrap up and parcel?
- wrap up - arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present". wrap. do up - wrap for decorative purposes; "The gift was done up in pretty red paper". parcel - make into a wrapped container.