Come si trasmette la tricomoniasi?


Come si trasmette la tricomoniasi?

Come si trasmette la tricomoniasi?

La tricomoniasi si trasmette principalmente attraverso tutti i tipi di rapporti sessuali (vaginali, anali, orali), ma esiste la possibilità di contrarre l'infezione anche scambiando la biancheria, gli asciugamani e i sex toys.

Cosa significa Tricomoniasis?

La tricomoniasi è un'infezione che colpisce gli organi sessuali e le vie urinarie. Questa malattia a trasmissione sessuale è causata da un protozoo, cioè da un parassita unicellulare (quindi composto da una singola cellula).

What is Trichomonas and how is it caused?

  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease ( STD) or sexually transmitted infection ( STI) caused by a parasite . Trichomonas infection can affect women or men and is spread via sexual contact. itching in the genital area. Diagnosis is based upon identifying the parasite through miscroscopic examination of the vaginal or urethral discharge.

How long will Trichomonas last if untreated?

  • Some people with symptoms of trich get them within 5 to 28 days after being infected, but others do not develop symptoms until much later. Symptoms can come and go, and without treatment, the infection can last for months or even years.

Can trichomoniasis go away on its own?

  • Trichomoniasis. The parasite cannot survive in the mouth or rectum. The disease can affect both men and women, but the symptoms differ. The infection usually does not cause symptoms in men and goes away on its own in a few weeks.

What are the long-term effects of trichomoniasis?

  • 4 doctors agreed: Complications: Long term complications of untreated trichomoniasis include the development of pelvic inflammatory disease in women. Deadly serious: Death from overdose (intentional or unintentional). Varies: This can result is death from brain hemorrhage relatively quickly.

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