Cosa significa regione peninsulare?

Cosa significa regione peninsulare?
peninsulare agg. [der. ... – Di penisola, proprio di una penisola: popoli p., abitanti di una penisola; Italia p., la parte dell'Italia costituita dalla penisola italiana, con esclusione quindi delle isole (Italia insulare) e spesso anche delle regioni settentrionali (Italia continentale).
What is the meaning of Peninsulares?
- The peninsulares were the group of people who came directly from the Iberian Peninsula in Spain to the colonies in the Americas. Peninsulares were Spaniards that immigrated to the so-called New World between the 16th and 18th century. Click to see full answer Likewise, people ask, what did the Peninsulares do?
What is the difference between an insular and a peninsular?
- A Spaniard born in Spain was referred as a peninsular, meaning born in the Spanish peninsula. In contrast, a Spaniard born in the Philippines was referred as an insular if in the Philippines, or a Filipino if in Spain. That difference had consequences in the colonial apparatus, clearly in favour of the peninsulares who enjoyed...
What is another name for the Peninsular Empire?
- Alternative Titles: chapetón, gachupín. Peninsular, Spanish Peninsular, plural Peninsulares, also called Gachupín, or Chapetón, any of the colonial residents of Latin America from the 16th through the early 19th centuries who had been born in Spain.
What is the difference between a peninsular and a Filipino?
- In contrast, a Spaniard born in the Philippines was referred as an insular if in the Philippines, or a Filipino if in Spain. That difference had consequences in the colonial apparatus, clearly in favor of the peninsulares who enjoyed certain privileges and could be assigned to posts of higher responsibility.