What is a husky person?


What is a husky person?

What is a husky person?

If you describe someone, especially a man, as husky, you think that they are tall, big, and strong. [informal] ...a very husky young man, built like a football player. Synonyms: muscular, powerful, strapping, rugged [US, Canadian] More Synonyms of husky. 3.

What does husky woman mean?

Husky means sounding hoarse, or being heavy built. An example of something husky is a voice of a person with a cold. An example of a husky person is someone who is a bit overweight.

What does the name husky mean?

adjective, husk·i·er, husk·i·est. big and strong; burly. (of the voice) having a semiwhispered vocal tone; somewhat hoarse, as when speaking with a cold or from grief or passion. like, covered with, or full of husks. made in a size meant for the larger or heavier than average boy: size 18 husky pants.

Why is it called husky voice?

The vocal folds (or vocal cords) in the larynx vibrate to produce sound. Hoarseness is often a symptom of problems in the vocal folds of the larynx. ... It may be caused by laryngitis, which in turn may be caused by an upper respiratory infection, a cold, or allergies.

Is it husky or Huskie?

Why do “we” spell it H-u-s-k-i-e as opposed to H-u-s-k-y? People have asked that question for decades, especially in light of the fact that the breed of dog ends with a “y” as does the mascot / nickname of higher-profile University of Washington of the PAC-12. The answer? It's H-u-s-k-i-e.

What does it mean to be chunky?

When a person is described as chunky, it means they're dense and thick-bodied, and sometimes quite muscular. Chunky is an American English word, from the sense of chunk as "a thick piece of something," Definitions of chunky. adjective. like or containing small sticky lumps.

What does Raspily mean?

1. harsh or grating; rasping. 2. easily annoyed; irritable. [1830–40]

Is a husky a wolf?

FACT: Huskies and Malamutes are completely separate species from the wolf. MYTH: A wolf will make a better guard dog for my home. FACT: Wolves naturally shy away from humans, so they will either run away, or they may act out of fear and attack them.

What is a dysphonia?

Spasmodic dysphonia is a voice disorder. It causes involuntary spasms in the muscles of the voice box or larynx. This causes the voice to break and have a tight, strained or strangled sound. Spasmodic dysphonia can cause problems ranging from trouble saying a word or two to being not able to talk at all.

What is a red husky?

The Red Husky is a medium-sized working dog with wolf-like features, a red coat color and often has piercing, almond-shaped blue eyes. It is one of several Husky colors within the Siberian Husky dog breed; not a separate dog breed. Sometimes referred to as a: ... Red Husky dog, Siberian husky.

What does the name Husky mean?

  • Husky Name Origin : The origin of the name Husky is American baby names. Meaning Of Husky : Husky name meaning is A big man; a manly man. Husky Name Variations : Husky name variations are Huski, Huskie , Huskey, Huskee, Huskea, Husk, Huske .

What is the origin of the term husky?

  • The word husky originated from the word referring to Arctic people in general, Eskimo, "...known as 'huskies', a contraction of 'Huskimos', the pronunciation given to the word 'Eskimos' by the English sailors of trading vessels.". The use of husky is recorded from 1852 for dogs kept by Inuit people .

What two breeds make a husky?

  • The Siberian Husky, Samoyed, and Alaskan Malamute are all breeds directly descended from the original sled dog . It is thought that the term "husky" is a corrupted of the nickname "Esky" once applied to the Eskimo and subsequently to their dogs.

What does it mean to be Husky?

  • 1. breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog . Familiarity information: HUSKY used as a noun is very rare. HUSKY (adjective) The adjective HUSKY has 2 senses: 1. muscular and heavily built. 2. deep and harsh sounding as if from shouting or illness or emotion. Familiarity information: HUSKY used as an adjective is rare.

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