Dove acquistare i biglietti per il Colosseo?


Dove acquistare i biglietti per il Colosseo?

Dove acquistare i biglietti per il Colosseo?

Coopculture ( il sito ufficiale su cui è possibile acquistare online i biglietti per la visita al Colosseo, comprensiva anche di visita al Foro e al Palatino, è quello di Coopculture. In questo modo si può saltare la fila ed essere immediatamente tra i 3mila visitatori del sito archeologico.

Chi entra gratis al Colosseo?

Biglietto gratuito Le guide turistiche con Pass del PArCo dovranno prenotare l'ingresso gratuito online esclusivamente per le visite ai Sotterranei del Colosseo.

Who built the Colosseum in Rome?

  • Colosseum was built by Vespasian and Titus from 70 AD – 80 AD, in Rome, Italy. It took 10 years to build the amphitheatre .

What are the hours of the Colosseum in Rome?

  • Visiting the Roman Colosseum - Opening Hours. Opening hours are from 8:30 am to one hour before sunset (see table below for actual times). The opening hours exceptions are Good Friday when the Colosseum opens from 8:30 am - 2 pm and June 2 when the Colosseum opens from 1:30 pm - 7:15 pm).

Where is the Colosseum ticket office?

  • The best way to arrive to buy tickets in person at the Ticket Office is to use eastbound Coliseum Boulevard and turn right into the circle drive (Entrance #6). Park in the circle drive and come into the Arena & Expo Center entrance lobby to visit the Coliseum Ticket Office.

What happened to the Roman Colosseum?

  • Lots of things happened in the Colosseum. Gladiators fights, wild animal duels, and sometimes ritual murders. (Learn more about this in the Arena section.) The Roman's called the More specifically, in CE 107, Emperor Trajan celebrated war victories with 11,000 wild animal slaughterings.

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