Qual è la differenza tra Labrador e Golden Retriever?

Qual è la differenza tra Labrador e Golden Retriever?
Date le somiglianze, la differenza tra labrador e golden retriever risiede nel profilo e, in generale, nella silhouette del loro corpo. I golden retriever hanno un muso più allungato, mentre i labrador retriever (è questo il loro nome completo) hanno la testa più larga e una corporatura più muscolosa.
Are Labrador Retriever good beginner dogs?
- Labrador Retrievers make for a great first-time beginner dog. The playful nature of the Labrador Retriever combined with their lack of aggression and high energy playfulness makes this breed one of the best around children, in fact, Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America.
Are Labrador Retrievers good family dogs?
- Labrador Retriever Needs. Finding a dog with the right temperament is only half the battle. Dogs have needs and if you can’t fulfill those needs your dog will be unhappy and an unhappy dog does not make a good family dog. Labs are a very active breed, during the first three years they will need about two hours of robust exercise daily.
What is the difference between Labrador and Golden Retriever?
- Difference Between Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Summary: 1. The golden retriever is larger at 65 to 80 pounds to a Labrador’s 65 to 75 pounds. 2. Labrador typically has shorter hair which makes them adapt to water very well. Golden retrievers have more fur than a Labrador and their coats are reddish brown or a light golden color.
Are golden retrievers the smartest dogs?
- Yes, golden retrievers really are intelligent dogs, they are the fourth smartest dog breed, just behind border collies, poodles, and german shepherds. So yes, you can say they are pretty intelligent. Golden retrievers can also learn over 165 words and it's easy for them to pick up on our emotions.