Come si guarisce da varicocele?


Come si guarisce da varicocele?

Come si guarisce da varicocele?

La malattia viene curata tramite intervento chirurgico (varicocelectomia), embolizzazione delle vene spermatiche o radioterapia (scleroembolizzazione retrograda). Intervento chirurgico: si tratta di una legatura sublinguale – effettuata in anestesia locale – delle vene testicolari.

Come si fa a capire se uno ha un tumore testicoli?

Il tumore può essere asintomatico oppure può accompagnarsi a sintomi come: Pesantezza o accumulo di liquidi a livello dello scroto. Dolore acuto all'addome o all'inguine. Dolore al testicolo.

What is a varicocele and what causes it?

  • A varicocele is like varicose veins of the small veins (blood vessels) next to one testicle (testis) or both testicles (testes). Dr Sarah Jarvis MBE. A varicocele is a collection of enlarged (dilated) veins (blood vessels) in the scrotum. It occurs next to and above one testicle (testis) or both testes (testicles).

Can a varicocele cause fertility problems?

  • However, many experts believe a varicocele forms when the valves inside the veins in the cord prevent your blood from flowing properly. The resulting backup causes the veins to widen (dilate). This might cause damage to the testicle and result in worsened fertility. Varicoceles often form during puberty.

What is the difference between scrotum and varicocele?

  • The scrotum is a skin-covered sac that holds your testicles. It also contains the arteries and veins that deliver blood to the reproductive glands. ... A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum.

Is there an alternative to treatment for varicocele?

  • An alternative to treatment is to observe patients with varicoceles over time by checking serial semen analyses and / or blood tests, and only treating if there is evidence that the varicocele is impairing testicular function.

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