Come togliere le macchie nere tra le gambe?


Come togliere le macchie nere tra le gambe?

Come togliere le macchie nere tra le gambe?

Puoi avere macchie scure sulle gambe o in qualsiasi altra parte del tuo corpo....Studi mostrano che questi ingredienti possono essere utili nella gestione dell'iperpigmentazione:

  1. soia.
  2. niacinamide.
  3. vitamina C.
  4. acido kojico.
  5. arbutin.
  6. estratto di emblica.
  7. glutatione.
  8. estratto di liquirizia.

Come togliere la macchia scura dei baffetti?

Altro tra i rimedi che si potrebbero usare per togliere le macchie dei baffetti, sarà il succo di limone. Tale agrume è molto conosciuto per le sue proprietà di schiarire....Occorrente

  1. Gel di aloe vera.
  2. Succo di limone, olio di jojoba, olio di mandorle.
  3. Camomilla.
  4. Polpa di mela e limone.

What is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and how is it treated?

  • What Is Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation? Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or PIH, is the medical term used to describe discoloration of the skin that follows an inflammatory wound. It is the skin's natural response to inflammation. PIH usually looks like a flat area of discoloration on the skin.

How long does it take for pigmentation hyperpigmentation to go away?

  • It's not pitted or raised, simply darker than the surrounding skin. The good news is that PIH can fade away over time, even without treatment. But time is the operative word here. It can take three to 24 months for PIH to fully fade, 3  although in some cases it may take longer.

What's the difference between pimples and hyperpigmentation?

  • Most people with acne have some degree of it. And it's not just the big blemishes that cause these spots: Hyperpigmentation can follow even relatively minor pimples and papules. That said, the more inflamed a breakout, the larger and darker the PIH spot tends to be.

What are the treatment options for pigmentation impetigo in skin of color?

  • However, there is a wide variety of safe and effective treatments for PIH in skin of color, including topical depigmenting agents, chemical peels, and laser and light therapy. Therefore, this article reviews the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and treatment options for PIH in skin of color.

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