Cosa contiene il libro degli Elementi di Euclide?
- Cosa contiene il libro degli Elementi di Euclide?
- Come vengono definiti nella geometria euclidea Il punto la retta e il piano?
- What is the importance of the elements of Euclid?
- When was the second edition of Euclid's Elements published?
- How can I dynamically change the diagrams in Euclid's Elements?
- What is Euclid's style of presenting his postulates?

Cosa contiene il libro degli Elementi di Euclide?
Il Libro I la teoria dei triangoli, delle parallele e delle aree (ciò che oggi chiamiamo equivalenza di figure piane); Il Libro II la cosiddetta algebra geometrica. Il Libro III la teoria del cerchio. Il Libro IV le proprietà e le costruzioni dei poligoni inscritti e circoscritti.
Come vengono definiti nella geometria euclidea Il punto la retta e il piano?
Punti che appartengono ad una stessa retta si dicono allineati. Due rette che giacciono sullo stesso piano e che non si intersecano in nessun punto si dicono parallele. I punti che appartengono ad uno stesso piano si dicono complanari.
What is the importance of the elements of Euclid?
- Euclid’s Elements form one of the most beautiful and influential works of science in the history of humankind. Its beauty lies in its logical development of geometry and other branches of mathematics. It has influenced all branches of science but none so much as mathematics and the exact sciences. The Elements have been studied 24 centuries in ...
When was the second edition of Euclid's Elements published?
- Euclidis – Elementorum libri XV Paris, Hieronymum de Marnef & Guillaume Cavelat, 1573 (second edition after the 1557 ed.); in 8:350, (2)pp. THOMAS–STANFORD, Early Editions of Euclid's Elements, n°32. Mentioned in T.L. Heath's translation. Private collection Hector Zenil.
How can I dynamically change the diagrams in Euclid's Elements?
- This edition of Euclid’s Elements uses a Java applet called the Geometry Applet to illustrate the diagrams. If you enable Java on your browser, then you’ll be able to dynamically change the diagrams. In order to see how, please read Using the Geometry Applet before moving on to the Table of Contents .
What is Euclid's style of presenting his postulates?
- Euclid's method and style of presentation. His constructive approach appears even in his geometry's postulates, as the first and third postulates stating the existence of a line and circle are constructive. Instead of stating that lines and circles exist per his prior definitions, he states that it is possible to 'construct' a line and circle.