What does it mean to revamp something?


What does it mean to revamp something?

What does it mean to revamp something?

1 : remake, revise. 2 : renovate, reconstruct. Other Words from revamp Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About revamp.

Can you use revamp in a sentence?

With prices like that, you can revamp your entire lingerie wardrobe if you would like. It's time to revamp your look with something sexy. She is not married, but goes back and forth with her boyfriend as to whether they should move in together, break up, or revamp the relationship entirely.

How do you use revamp?

Revamp in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The city decided to revamp their town monument, since it was looking a little old and beaten after forty years of only basic care.
  2. When renovators take on a low quality home, they do everything in their power to revamp it and make it desirable for homebuyers today.

Is Revamped informal?

Revamp (gaming), informal term for boost or renovation of a game's UI, system stats, items, rules, etc. and vice versa. Also known as buffing.

What is the synonym of revamp?

In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for revamp, like: , re-create, overhaul, amend, give a new look to, renovate, repair, recondition, reconstruct, rejuvenate and renew.

What is revamp plan?

If you revamp something, you renovate or remake it. You'll have to revamp your vacation plans if the hotel where you were planning to stay has closed for repairs and renovations.

What is the past tense of revamp?

Revamp verb forms
InfinitivePresent ParticiplePast Tense

What is website revamp?

Website Revamping is the most cost effective changes of the website. Time needed (lead-time) The website layout and structure will be maintained. Only update the web elements and content. The time needed is less.

What does the word exacerbate?

Full Definition of exacerbate transitive verb. : to make more violent, bitter, or severe The new law only exacerbates the problem.

What is the synonym of redesign?

Redesign synonyms In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for redesign, like: , , revamp, , , overhaul, re-engineered, re-vamp and restructure.

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