What does the saying stand by mean?

What does the saying stand by mean?
1 : to be present also : to remain apart or aloof. 2 : to be or to get ready to act an ambulance was standing by. transitive verb. : to remain loyal or faithful to : defend stood by his decision.
What does it mean when you stand by something?
transitive (stand by something) to continue to have a particular belief or opinion, even though other people have doubts about it or disagree with you. The doctors are standing by their claim that they are not at fault.
Are standing by?
stand by. 1. To be ready or available to act: Operators are standing by, ready to take your call.
Will stand by in a sentence?
The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you. ... The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.
What is the Tagalog of stand by?
The English word "stand by" can be translated as the following word in Tagalog: tambay - [noun] bystander; loafer; vagrant; lollygag; [adjective] standing by; loafing around; standing around; hanging out; lollygagging 4 Example Sentences Available » more...
What is stand by means?
- stand(Noun) A particular grove or other group of trees or shrubs. This stand of pines is older than the one next to it. stand(Noun) A contiguous group of trees sufficiently uniform in age-class distribution, composition, and structure, and growing on a site of sufficiently uniform quality, to be a distinguishable unit.
What does Please Stand by mean?
- Meaning of “stand by” in the English Dictionary. "stand by" in English. (BE READY) › to be waiting and ready to do something or to help: Cabin crew, please stand by for take-off. Police in riot gear were standing by in case the demonstration got out of control.
What is standing by to stand by?
- Definition of 'stand by'. stand by. 1. phrasal verb. If you are standing by, you are ready and waiting to provide help or to take action. British and American warships are standing by to evacuate their citizens if necessary.
What does stand by you mean?
- to stand by (or behind) your words means that you will not back down from what you have said. This could mean that you stand by what you have said, even though others disagree.