Do Edward and Bella ever sleep together?


Do Edward and Bella ever sleep together?

Do Edward and Bella ever sleep together?

10. Edward can't have sex with Bella because he might accidentally kill her. Take that in for a second. Also, when they do finally have sex, she's left bruised and hurt and the bed is LITERALLY BROKEN IN HALF.

How long was Bella dead?

All this happened in just 27 days. Bella's heart stopped after giving birth as Edward had to cut her open for C section. Edward then performed CPR & injected venom in heart directly which he was collecting from days for such emergencies. Only Alice, Jacob, Rosalie & Edward were home at the time of Delievery.

Who is the first vampire in Twilight?

Amun is also considered the oldest vampire in the Twilight universe, as he was turned before the Romanian coven – the oldest coven there is – rose to power.

What did Edward force Bella do?

Edward made Bella feel guilty for craving togetherness with him and for wanting to spend time with Jacob. He pressured her to get married right out of high school, by making it clear that tying the knot with him was the only way she'd get to become a vampire or sleep with him.

Did Bella cheat on Edward?

She didn't betray Edward. After Edward LEFT her, she became friends with Jacob and during that time feelings grew. If you remember at one point Charlie says something along the lines of “maybe its Ok to love what's good for you” and he was talking about Jacob.

Was Edward a virgin when he married Bella?

"In the first book in the series it states Bella is a virgin, but Edward said he has never found a vampire or human he's been with before Bella." ... meaning that they are both virgins."

Who turned Alice into a vampire?

James Alice was transformed by an old vampire who worked at the asylum to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her.

Does Edward really love Bella?

  • Edward is in love with Bella simply because she's fearless. The question that we should ask is why is Bella in love with Edward? That's what fascinates him. He's a cold, blood drinking vampire, and yet ...Plus, this a love story...who wants to make sense of it??:) Let's enjoy the fantasy!!

What did Edward say to Bella?

  • What did Edward say to Bella?" he asked in a sing-song voice. He was careful to block his thoughts with random math equations, so Edward wouldn't cheat. "I don't know Emmett, what did I say to Bella?" Edward asked sarcastically. "Did I or did I not ask you to not be a prick?

Did Edward turn Bella into a vampire?

  • Edward and Bella Answers. yes. bella does become a vampire. bella is giving birth and almost dies giving birth buh edward saves here by turning her into a vampire. this happens in breaking dawn book 2. breaking dawn book 3 continued wht bella was thinking during that time she was being turned into a vampire and wht it is like for her.

Does Edward change Bella into a vampire?

  • Edward turns Bella into a vampire to save her . The premise for both Bella and the Twilight series originated in a dream Stephenie Meyer had in which an "average girl" and a "fantastically beautiful, sparkly ... vampire ... were having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods."

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