Cos'è il Giardino di Epicuro?


Cos'è il Giardino di Epicuro?

Cos'è il Giardino di Epicuro?

Il Giardino di Epicuro propone un duplice approccio all'attività filosofica, offrendo ai "non filosofi" l'opportunità di: conoscere la filosofia, attraverso le opere dei grandi pensatori ed artisti del passato e del presente; praticare la filosofia, attraverso il dialogo filosofico libero, aperto e paritario, in ...

What is the greatest good according to Epicurus?

  • Following the Cyrenaic philosopher Aristippus, Epicurus believed that the greatest good was to seek modest, sustainable pleasure in the form of a state of ataraxia (tranquility and freedom from fear) and aponia (the absence of bodily pain) through knowledge of the workings of the world and limiting desires.

What are the two types of pleasure according to Epicureanism?

  • Ethics. Epicureanism divided pleasure into two broad categories: pleasures of the body and pleasures of the mind. Pleasures of the body: These pleasures involve sensations of the body, such as the act of eating delicious food or of being in a state of comfort free from pain, and exist only the present.

What is the Epicurean view of the soul?

  • Epicurus maintains that soul atoms are particularly fine and are distributed throughout the body (LH 64), and it is by means of them that we have sensations (aisthêseis) and the experience of pain and pleasure, which Epicurus calls pathê (a term used by Aristotle and others to signify emotions instead).

What is the best source for Epicurean philosophy?

  • 1. Sources. The major source for Epicurean doctrine is Diogenes Laertius’ third-century C.E. Lives of Eminent Philosophers, a compilation of information on the lives and doctrines of the philosophers of classical Greece (see “Doxography of Ancient Philosophy”).

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