Come si mette la linea sugli occhi?


Come si mette la linea sugli occhi?

Come si mette la linea sugli occhi?

1:377:06Clip suggerito · 58 secondiTRUCCHETTI PER EYELINER PERFETTO | Vanessa ZilettiYouTubeInizio del clip suggeritoFine del clip suggerito

Come mettere l'eyeliner occhi rotondi?

L'eyeliner per occhi tondi Questo taglio di occhi ha bisogno di essere allungato verso l'esterno e assottigliato in modo da farlo apparire meno tondo. Dobbiamo quindi disegnare una linea di eyeliner partendo da circa metà occhio (o poco prima) e andare verso l'esterno terminando con la codina leggermente verso l'alto.

Come ingrandire gli occhi?

Per ingrandire l'occhio, usa l'ombretto scuro solo nell'angolo esterno. Al centro della palpebra usa ombretti chiari e luminosi. All'interno dell'occhio puoi usare una matita color burro, ma non bianco, altrimenti l'effetto risulterebbe troppo evidente e finto.

Does eyeliner make your eyes look smaller?

  • The problem: Eyeliner can make your small eyes look smaller, which some people may not prefer on themselves. The fix: If you have smaller eyes, you’ll want to avoid lining your entire eyes, since doing so can close them off and make them look even smaller. Instead, keep your eyeliner contained to the outer corners of your eyes.

How do I Stop my Eyeliner from sliding down my face?

  • Your liner travels down your face a few hours after you've applied it. The fix: Line your lower lash line with a waterproof eye pencil, and then top it with black shadow to lock it into place. Finally, apply a translucent powder under your eye to create a barrier. Ta's favorite is Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil.

How to apply eyeliner without any gaps?

  • How to Apply Eyeliner Without Any Gaps The problem: You’re lining your eyes at a bad angle, resulting in gaps. The fix: Sometimes it’s really hard to get close enough to the base of your lashes. Avoid an awkward gap between your lashes and liner by slightly pulling up on the lower half of your upper eyelid while lining your lashes.

How to apply eyeliner without looking Smokey?

  • How to Apply Eyeliner Without Looking Smokey The problem: Your smoked-out eyeliner gives you dark circles under your eyes. The fix: Line your eye as close to your lash line as possible and then use a smudge brush, which is tightly packed and skinny enough that it won’t blend the product too low.

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