Chi è la figlia di Tindaro?
Chi è la figlia di Tindaro?
Genealogia. Figlio di Periere e di Gorgofone o di Ebalo e della ninfa Batea, sposò Leda e divenne padre di Castore, Clitennestra, Timandra, Filonoe e Febe. Tindaro adottò Elena e Polluce (avuti da Leda con Zeus).
Cosa significa Castore?
Deriva dal latino Castor, a sua volta dal greco Κάστωρ (Kástor): potrebbe essere correlato a κεκασμαι (kekasmai), "brillare", "eccellere", col significato quindi "colui che eccelle", oppure a καθαρός (katharós), "puro".
What does Castor and Pollux stand for?
- Castore e Polluce ( Castor and Pollux) is an opera seria by Francesco Bianchi. The libretto was one translated by Carlo Innocenzo Frugoni, from Pierre-Joseph-Justin Bernard 's French text for Rameau 's Castor et Pollux . The opera was extravagantly in the French style. As Marita P.
Who wrote Castor and Pollux?
- Castore e Polluce (Castor and Pollux) is an opera seria by Francesco Bianchi. The libretto was one translated by Carlo Innocenzo Frugoni, from Pierre-Joseph-Justin Bernard's French text for Rameau's Castor et Pollux. The opera was extravagantly in the French style.
Who is the father of Castor and Pollux in the Odyssey?
- Their mother was Leda, but they had different fathers; Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus, who seduced Leda in the guise of a swan. The pair are thus an example of heteropaternal superfecundation.
How are Castor and Pollux represented in the Circus Maximus?
- Castor and Pollux are also represented in the Circus Maximus by the use of eggs as lap counters. In translations of comedies by Plautus, women generally swear by Castor, and men by Pollux; this is exemplified by the slave-woman character Staphyla in A Pot of Gold (act i, ll.